Journal 3


I enjoyed reading this article because it shows that by alerting your children about certain people they shouldn’t interact with or if you do what should you do.  I think the mom is this article taught her daughter good for example as stated in the article : I should be wary of those I did not know, polite to those I did, and tough as nails with those who were disrespectful or in any way threatening. As a mother i would try to concentrate more on what should the child do in case the person is friendly and knows more about you that you let your guard down. The main idea is to teach children the world is a dangerous place and people aren’t who they appear to be.  Alarming children of predators is the way to reduce child obductions. As stated in the article social media is a way predators use to obtain there victim so its best to educate the kids on the behavior of a predator and its main purpose.


Flanagan, Caitlin. “Babes in the Woods.” The Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company, July-Aug. 2004. Web. 29 Mar. 2016.

journal 2


This article states that many women in the age of 40 didn’t have children and they deeply regret it. Fertilization decreases with age so its recommend for woman to plan ahead before its to late to conceive a normal child. As stated by the American society  “One ad was illustrated with a baby bottle shaped like an hourglass that was—just to make the point glaringly obvious—running out of milk.” This was made so woman would really understand the meaning behind waiting till your milk is running out. In other words waiting till you cant conceive a child because you waited to long.


Twenge, Jean. “How Long Can You Wait To Have A Baby.” The Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company, July-Aug. 2013. Web. 29 Mar. 2016.

Ethnography outline




  • Males in the family wear baggy clothes
  • The house is a little messy
  • Untrimmed facial hair on the males
  • Different variety of shoes
  • Mother(house maid)
  • Lots of tattoos and piecing


  • Spoiled
  • Uneducated
  • Spend the little bit of money on drugs
  • No Mouth hygiene(missing teeth)
  • Unemployed
  • Disrespectful
  • Unorganized


  • 6 people living in one bedroom apartment
  • Floors are dirty
  • Cockroaches everywhere
  • Messy and unorganized
  • Dirty fridge(over flooded with food)
  • Religious( Catholic)
  • Candles for saints
  • Beds on the floor
  • Kitchen is dirty


  • No communication
  • Always arguing
  • Kids are disrespectful
  • Mom cooks lunch late everyday
  • On welfare
  • Always eating
  • Mom and dad go out every weekend to the club

Journal 1


As I’m reading this article I noticed how education plays a big role when it comes to marriage. Two heads a better then one especially when it comes to improving financially. It makes sense two  parents household are less likely to raise a child in poverty. It’s pretty shocking that a little more then the majority of kids are being raised in poverty by a single parent.”To restore marriage, they say, we need to bring back traditional values about sex and gender; bring back “marriageable” men; and bring back moms and housewives.”  I don’t agree with this statement because bringing back housewives is destroying what woman have been working for years and thats equality. No one wants to spend their life cleaning and cooking. I really don’t think any of these factors affect marriage. What really matters is two individuals wanting to commit to each other and form a family and basically doing it together. Gender role and religious belief are factors that destroy marriage.


Reeves, Richard V. “How to Save Marriage in America.” The Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company, 13 Feb. 2014. Web. 29 Mar. 2016.

Writing Exercise: four sentences and a scene

  • My hometown was a terrific place to grow-up. What I liked most was being able to enjoy nature with my friends.
  • Laci had a rather strange style. She would wear a purple flower on her head every day of the week.
  • Brown is the worst teacher I’ve ever had. He would make the students read boring articles for homework.
  • The room seemed very comfortable. The students spend most of their free time in here




Theme ( Family)

I chose this theme because family is the most important thing to me.  I believe that your family can make you grow also help you in times of need.  It’s so amazing the bond you have with your family members. Sometimes it can be a good bond as well as a bad one. Nothing is perfect in this world we don’t chose our family but we do chose who we love unconditionally.

First Draft (memoir)

The End of a New Beginning

I have always dreamed of having a child and having my own family.I am four months pregnant so I’m super excited because my dream has finally come true. My happiness has just started and it’s going to end in a blink of an eye. I will have to decide whether i want to live feeling sorry for myself or  am I   going to take this experiences and learn from it.

It was a beautiful August Morning. I could feel the hot summer breeze brushing through my face. As I’m getting ready to enter the Hospital I begin to feel a weird feeling in my stomach that I can’texplain. As I’m waiting to be called into the Ultrasound room I begin to feel like my life was getting drain out of me. Someone called my name and I responded with a yes.

I’m pretty excited to find out the gender of my unborn child. What could be more exciting? The moment is finally here. I just can’t explain why my excitement doesn’t feel real. By real I mean is this the feeling of excitement. At this time I can’t really explain. As I laid down on the hard cold bed I noticed the Radiologist walking through the door and I smiled.

As the Radiologist is searching for my fetus I begin to feel pain. I didn’t know whether I was just over reacting or she was putting a whole lot of pressure on my belly. The pain felt more like a hard cold rock being rubbed really hard on my stomach. I’m sorry but I can’t take the pain. No one told me it was going to be this painful. Can you please get someone with more experience I recalled to the student? I felt pretty bad about it after but deep down it was becoming extremely painful… The tall blue eye girl turned around and explained she was having a tough time finding the fetus. Her confused face made me wonder. Is there a problem? .As the door opened I see this really small lady walk into the room she smiles and says ok let’s find this baby. I wish I could feel excited at this point but I’m a little confused with this whole situation. She turns and looks at me and says I’m sorry but there is no fetus. What are you talking about? Wait I can’t seem to understand the words so I said what do you mean. She explained there is an abnormal growth in your left ovary and I’m afraid it could be cancerous. I broke down in tears and walked out the hospital trying to just leave that behind me.

As I got home I just sat on the couch trying to make sense of the words, just trying to picture how this can change my life. Will I be ok? Oh God I’m I going to die. I just can’t seem to get myself together. The phone rang and I was startled I looked at the phone and I could see that the hospital is calling. I was so afraid to pick up the phone. I was afraid that this called could be death calling me. As I picked up the phone I could hear someone breathing. I say hello the man responded Denisse Medina you need to come back to the hospital to get emitted. I just can’t understand what is going on. All I could think about is my baby. I just hoped that the doctors were wrong and it’s just a mistake.


My thoughts as a writer

Denisse Medina


I love writing because I can express my feelings better then speaking about them. I also like to write in my journal because I feel like whatever I write no one can read and judge me for my misspelling. I’m more of a free writer I like to just write without stopping. Writing helps me express myself for example my feelings, thoughts and goals. As I was in High School I had to write about a personal expirience and the experience I chose was when I was diagnosed with a Molar Pregnancy. Writing about this personal issue in my life helped me open up my feelings and my worries about a Molar Pregnancy. It helped me cope with the stress I was experiencing at the time.  Mrs. Board was one of the influential teachers during my High School Years. She helped me become a better writer not just a better writer but a better reader. My weakness as a reader is being easily distracted for the reading if it’s not interesting to me or me just any connection. But when I’m interested I read and I’m able to make connections and ask questions it just makes it more interesting. I prefer to write on a piece of white paper. I feel like I could write faster and express myself better. But when it comes to typing I’m not as comfortable because it takes me much longer to get my thoughts out onto the screen then on to a piece a paper. In this semester I would like to expand my writing skills.