
Argument Draft

Should teen girls have access to birth control And contraception without the consent of their parent?


Close to 900,000 teenagers get pregnant each year. Four out of 10 get pregnant at least once before they turn 20.Although every parent should know when their teenage daughter is sexually active teenage girls should have access to birth control without the consent of a parent because these things are an important factor in preventing pregnancy and it empowers young females to be responsible and become educated about their sexual life.

The rate of teenage pregnancy in the United States had decline to its lowest level in 40 years .Currently teenage pregnancies are on the rise therefore birth control is often utilized and needed by the teenage population. One reason teenage girls should be allowed to receive birth control without the consent of the parent is because some children to parent relationships aren’t as strong as they should be. This makes it difficult for teens to discuss sex with their parents. According to the University of Florida IFAS Extensions solution for your life it says “This is the challenges of the adolescence derive from the fact youth today are in both need of parenting that promotes positive development. Being able to have access to birth control can help with un-planned pregnancy.

Secondly and most important fact is that teen pregnancy poses a serious risk to the health of teen mothers and their babies , and society as a whole, which has to pay the economic and social costs of teen pregnancy. Younger sexually active teens are especially at risk for pregnancy and other negative consequences of sex.




Text Wrestling

All Joy and No Fun

Time is never enough when it comes to our children. Becoming a parent is joyful but at the same time parents have to be mentally prepared to to have a child. Parents  have to simply understand that life will be filled with joy but the fun will decrease.

According to Changing Rhythms of American Family Life all parents spend more time today then they did in 1975. Including mothers in spite the great rush of women into the American workforce. As Jennifer Senior describes in the article All Joy And No Fun  a professional women that had children later on in her life enjoy doing a lot of things with her children. As a mother their is many chores from cooking cleaning and helping out the children with their homework.

As Senior States in the article All Joy And No Fun mothers are less happy than fathers, single parents are less happy still so the fact that their is so much to do that they hardly have time for themselves. A meta-analysis was conducted by two psychologists W. Keith Campbell and Jean Twenge they found that couples overall martial dissatisfaction only grew the more they had money. When you become a parent you  loss your freedom. As Senior describes in the article Why Parent Hate Parenting? It’s mysterious why people have child. Most people assume that having child would make them happier but in the long wrong it’s the opposite people become unhappy.

I agree with the article because I have a three year old daughter and believe me their is always something to do I never get to relax or enjoy anything anymore. I don’t know whats to have fun anymore sometimes I wish I could just run away for a week or two just to get sometime to myself. As described by Senior in the Article All Joy and No Fun mothers are less happy than fathers, single parents are less happy still I agree with her because as a mother I feel like I have so much to do and I hardly get any help from my partner because he works crazy hours. I just wonder who said that the mother had to have most responsibility of the child. I thought both parents should do things equally but not in my situation and I’m sure other mothers can relate to this.

I ask myself everyday what made me had a child and I’m pretty sure all though I don’t seem to have the answer to the question it sure wasn’t because I wasn’t happy with my life.Sometimes I wish I waited a little longer before having a child but I think it would just be as complicated as it is now. My life has turn into all joy and no fun situation.




Work cited

Senior, Jennifer. “All Joy and No Fun.” N.p., 12 July 2010. Web. 26 Apr. 2016.

Senior, Jennifer. “Why Parents Hate Parenting.” N.p., 4 July 2010. Web. 26 Apr. 2016.


Ethnography DRAFT

Family Time


My ethnography reflects my relationship with my husband family. I chose the theme of family because family to me is very important. They are the pieces to my puzzle. My husband family is very unique and by family I mean mother. Her style, behavior and the way she lives day to day.

Today I’m going to meet up for lunch with a special person in my husband’s life his mother. Arriving at my mothers in laws house I noticed how the grass in the front yard seem evenly trimmed from the angle I was standing. It’s a big house painted pink with beautiful white framed window panels.  As I entered the house I noticed how clean and organized everything was. The bright light reflected from the shiny black marble floors. It felt like I had entered a 5 stars hotel.  As we sat down to have lunch I noticed how everything on the table was healthy. I’m not used to eating as healthy as them, but the food was delicious and I can’t complain.

His family has great communication. They sit and listen to each other without interrupting. Making eye contact with the person speaking is very important to them. In the past five years I have never seemed them argue or even disagree on anything. It’s pretty amazing they are like the perfect family and I’m glad to have become part of them.

I couldn’t help but to notice the way Carmen (mother in law) was dressed. Her big black church hat would cover her entire face. Her skirt was so long that it appears to me that she could trip on it any minute. Her hair was white as snow.  She was a lovely old lady that had so much love to give she reminded me of my aunt that recently passed away.  Carmen graduated Harvard Medical School with high honors she was a great doctor at her time.  I’m proud to say that I have a doctor in the family.  Carmen and I have always had a great relationship. I would usually accompany her while she’s grocery shopping but today was different I was actually paying attention to every single detail.


  • book

Front Cover   Parenting Family Policy and Children’s Wellbeing in an Unequal Society



Are We Too Busy To Spend Time On Children



No Rich Child Left Behind


Academic journal article

Wrinkles in Parental Time with Children: Work, Family Structure, and Gender


Organizational website

Do Parents Spend Enough Time With Their Children


Blog post

Are you spending enough quality time with your kids?



3 myths about spending time with your kids


Journal 4


Fathers  are important but mothers tend to be more of a model for children. For example the mom cooks,clean bath the kids makes sure everyone is ok. As for the father is just go to work and come home and rest. I truly never understood how the roles were put out to be. I’m a mother myself and its frustrating how as a woman i have more then 90% of the child responsiblity. Fathers aren’t really necessary maybe just to conceive the child but other then that a woman can do it all.


Paul, Pamela. “Are Father Necessary?” The Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company, July 2010. Web. 29 Mar. 2016.


Journal 3


I enjoyed reading this article because it shows that by alerting your children about certain people they shouldn’t interact with or if you do what should you do.  I think the mom is this article taught her daughter good for example as stated in the article : I should be wary of those I did not know, polite to those I did, and tough as nails with those who were disrespectful or in any way threatening. As a mother i would try to concentrate more on what should the child do in case the person is friendly and knows more about you that you let your guard down. The main idea is to teach children the world is a dangerous place and people aren’t who they appear to be.  Alarming children of predators is the way to reduce child obductions. As stated in the article social media is a way predators use to obtain there victim so its best to educate the kids on the behavior of a predator and its main purpose.


Flanagan, Caitlin. “Babes in the Woods.” The Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company, July-Aug. 2004. Web. 29 Mar. 2016.

journal 2


This article states that many women in the age of 40 didn’t have children and they deeply regret it. Fertilization decreases with age so its recommend for woman to plan ahead before its to late to conceive a normal child. As stated by the American society  “One ad was illustrated with a baby bottle shaped like an hourglass that was—just to make the point glaringly obvious—running out of milk.” This was made so woman would really understand the meaning behind waiting till your milk is running out. In other words waiting till you cant conceive a child because you waited to long.


Twenge, Jean. “How Long Can You Wait To Have A Baby.” The Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company, July-Aug. 2013. Web. 29 Mar. 2016.

Ethnography outline




  • Males in the family wear baggy clothes
  • The house is a little messy
  • Untrimmed facial hair on the males
  • Different variety of shoes
  • Mother(house maid)
  • Lots of tattoos and piecing


  • Spoiled
  • Uneducated
  • Spend the little bit of money on drugs
  • No Mouth hygiene(missing teeth)
  • Unemployed
  • Disrespectful
  • Unorganized


  • 6 people living in one bedroom apartment
  • Floors are dirty
  • Cockroaches everywhere
  • Messy and unorganized
  • Dirty fridge(over flooded with food)
  • Religious( Catholic)
  • Candles for saints
  • Beds on the floor
  • Kitchen is dirty


  • No communication
  • Always arguing
  • Kids are disrespectful
  • Mom cooks lunch late everyday
  • On welfare
  • Always eating
  • Mom and dad go out every weekend to the club

Journal 1


As I’m reading this article I noticed how education plays a big role when it comes to marriage. Two heads a better then one especially when it comes to improving financially. It makes sense two  parents household are less likely to raise a child in poverty. It’s pretty shocking that a little more then the majority of kids are being raised in poverty by a single parent.”To restore marriage, they say, we need to bring back traditional values about sex and gender; bring back “marriageable” men; and bring back moms and housewives.”  I don’t agree with this statement because bringing back housewives is destroying what woman have been working for years and thats equality. No one wants to spend their life cleaning and cooking. I really don’t think any of these factors affect marriage. What really matters is two individuals wanting to commit to each other and form a family and basically doing it together. Gender role and religious belief are factors that destroy marriage.


Reeves, Richard V. “How to Save Marriage in America.” The Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company, 13 Feb. 2014. Web. 29 Mar. 2016.